APO announced today it has been issued patent No. 8,676,721 B2, dated March 18, 2014, by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Surface equipment on the topside of oil and gas platforms, whether onshore of offshore, consists of many disparate systems and usually shows condition alarms of the operating and production equipment. These alarms can trigger extensive scheduling of maintenance, analysis and planning of equipment performance and possible replacement for peak operational performance. While these systems share alarm information, owner-operators pursuing profitability improvements are in search of solutions to eliminate costly downtime, reduce personnel on board, and more efficient handling of conditions that may cause events.
The APO patent describes methods for integrating diverse equipment data using computer systems to filter and predict the future equipment status. The I-Platform solution uses open architecture for integration with products of multiple suppliers, and provides a low-risk implementation path and system expansion as new systems, platforms and fields are integrated with the solution. I-Platform will be used in support of downtime reduction and reliability improvement for future optimization of facility efficiency and energy consumption. It will also support the future of maintaining equipment within defined operating envelopes to provide cost savings and provide the basis for future unmanned facilities.
“Oil and Gas Owner/Operators today face extreme pressures to reduce downtime and operating costs from low oil prices and strict environmental conditions. Only APO’s patented technology solution can provide the analysis of the facility conditions to prevent future conditions and events from occurring in order to meet their goals,” said Jess Kozman, CTO of APO. “Since 2009, APO is the leader in predictive analytic solutions for the topside surface equipment and the issuance of this patent reinforces the value of our goal to reduce equipment failures for our customers.”
This is the first patent issued to APO Offshore Inc.; (APO), with other submissions from the company currently underway.